
From Our Family to Yours
The year was 1995. Our father, Sal, was in the consumer electronics wholesale business and spent his days selling TVs, VCRs and other electronic devices. He would come home exhausted after a long day of work, yet he would always find the energy (and toy samples from his day job) to play with his 4 young children. Our parents saw how happy and excited these toys would make us, so the dream of having their own business began to take hold - and thus Odyssey Toys was born. While our parents are no longer with us, they left behind a legacy and a company that their four children could run.
However, our parents left us with more than just their legacy and a company - they left behind a blueprint for success. When we were younger, they used to test out their latest toy ideas on us, and as eager children, we couldn't wait to play. If we liked a particular toy, then they knew that it was a keeper. Today, we’re all adults with our own children, but we still follow this blueprint. Whenever we have toy ideas, we test them out on our children first.
Just like our parents found joy in making toys, our goal at Odyssey is to create products that bring joy to people of all ages. We produce high-quality, child-friendly toys that bring endless hours of fun for everyone, from your young 3-year old, to a grandparent. We aim to provide fun for the whole family!

Core Values
Vision - To be recognized as the unparalleled leader in providing high-quality toy products.
Integrity - We build and strengthen our reputation through our customer’s trust, by providing high-quality products that are child-friendly and safe.
Excellence - We are committed to helping our customers find the toy that brings out their inner-child.
Teamwork - We believe that by working together, we can achieve better results through unity.
Commitment - We are responsible, respect each other, dedicated to creating easy-to-use products and manage our business ethically.